Working on a new book!

What am I up to these days? I’ve been working on the outline of a new book that I will be working on this year. It is really exciting and I can’t wait to start writing new material for it. I really enjoy writing books. In fact, I learn from writing books more than I learn from reading them sometimes. And that’s just sometimes, I cannot say it always happens because of various reasons. For instance, I learn from Robert Kiyosaki about finances and financial IQ and there is no way at the moment I can write material about finances as wisely as Robert has written. However, if my domain of knowledge covers finances, then writing a book about finances will definitely teach me more about the subject than reading one. And the sole reason for that is: once you start writing a book, you have to know what you are talking about and if you want to know what you are talking about, you have to read other books and resources! So it is a big push. A good reason to learn.

What are some of the books you have been reading recently?