
Vandad Nahavandipoor is currently an iOS and OS X programmer in Stockholm, working with an international company of more than 7,000 employees called Schibsted. In his previous job, he worked as a senior iOS developer for Lloyds Banking Group in London. He has led an international team of more than 30 iOS developers in one of his jobs. Some of the projects he has lead include the Lloyds, Halifax, Bank of Scotland, NatWest and the RBS iOS apps running on millions of iPhones and iPads in the UK. Vandad received his B.Sc and M.Sc in Information Technology for E-Commerce from the University of Sussex in England.

Vandad’s programming experience started when he first learned Basic on his father’s Commodore 64. He then took this experience and applied it on his uncles Intel 186 computer, running Basic on DOS. At this point, he found programming for personal computers exciting indeed and moved on to learn Object Pascal. This allowed him to learn Borland Delphi quite easily. He wrote a short 400 pages book on Borland Delphi and dedicated the book to Borland. From then, he picked up x86 Assembly programming and wrote a hobby 32-bit operating system named Vandior. It wasn’t until late 2007 when iOS programming became his main focus.

Aside from programming, Vandad is a road cyclist, enjoying friendly competition in cyclosportive events in England and traveling long distance on his bicycle to other European countries every now and then. He also enjoys tinkering with his piano and playing electric guitar. Some of his electric guitar performances are available on YouTube.

19 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey, your book for iOS 4 is great, but in the code samples for the cachedownload manager, the classes are missing from your code download?

  2. Several of your links are broken. The files are present and downloadable, but the links are incomplete i.e.

    2.12 Displaying an Image for the Title of the Navigation Bar
    2.13 Creating and Managing Buttons on a Navigation Bar
    2.14 Removing a View from a Navigation Controller
    2.15 Manipulating a Navigation Controller’s Array of View Controllers
    2.16 Incorporating a Tab Bar into Your Application
    2.17 Pop Up Additional Information over iPad UI Elements

    Thought you should know.

    • Hi Jeff,

      Thanks a lot for letting me know. It turns out I should have basically packaged the example codes in each chapter into one single .zip file instead of .zipping every single one of the files, which makes it prone to errors. Now if you visit this url:


      You will see all the example codes. Thanks for bringing that to my attention and I hope you will be able to download all the example codes now.

      Kind regards.

  3. iOS 4 Programming Cookbook is awesome. A Git repository of the sample code is awesome. You are awesome, Vandad. Thank-you for countless you have saved me, and will continue to save me.

  4. Hi Vandad,
    Just finished reading your book on Concurrent programming using Blocks. Fantastic 🙂 GCD is the latest hot topic every iOS developer is talking about, so googled “GCD” and found nothing but your book and apple documentation. As always apple documentation is not sufficient I bought your book and found it really helpful.
    Especially thanks for making it simple and straight forward.

  5. Hi Vandad,
    the iOS 5 Cookbook is indispensable. Thanks much.
    Now, you need to write what I expect lots of people are looking for but can’t find: a cookbook on Core Animation. Recipes for doing this and that animation.

    P.S. Yes, your current Cookbook has some recipes, but a dedicated book, organized in the same manner, would be fantastic.

    • Hi, thanks for the kind words. It makes me feel great to hear that you are enjoying the book.

      Core animation… hmmm. I can’t say I haven’t thought about that. Are there any competing books out there about this subject?

  6. Hello, Vandad!

    I just bought the iOS5 Programming Cookbook specifically for the chapter on enabling paging with UIPageViewController. The instructions had me load Apple’s template for a Page-Based Application, and that seems to be what I’m looking for, with the page-curl, but it stops short of telling me the syntax for actually putting my PDF on those turning pages. Would you be kind enough to point me in the right direction. I have been trying everything for a few days now and can’t quite get it. Thanks!

    • Hi Jim. I’ll be more than happy to help you. Thank you for choosing my book.

      Let me know what it is that you are trying to do and I will do my best to help with your specific question.

      • I just want to do what the base template does with the page curls, but have my PDF pages instead of blank pages with months on them. I tried adding an outlet to a subview, but the way I did it, the best I could get was the first page of the PDF, which just repeated on every instance of the turning pages. How can I tie in to the index of which page is showing. I’m guessing I need an array of pages, with single-page PDF files, not a multi-page PDF. I just wish Apple had included a dummy array of documents of some kind which would make it easy to just use their code. I’m still having a hard time getting a grip on Objective C. Thanks for your time! I appreciate your help.

      • I’m still banging my head against a wall trying to figure this out. The off-the-rack sample Apple provides has this as their data source:

        NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
        _pageData = [[dateFormatter monthSymbols] copy];

        …which is just an array of strings, being the months of the year, that load into a simple text label. How do I instead make it an array of PDF files that load into a subview of the pageViewController? I keep thinking I’m getting close to a solution, but I have to keep starting over. Can you point me in the right direction?


  7. What I’m now trying is to create an array of views, each of which loads a PDF, based on a list of files from a plist, and use this array as the model. Can I use the QuickLook framework as the subview in this case? I know from my short experience that the QuickLook honors the clickable URLs within PDFs, unlike my tries with WebView. In any case, I can’t quite figure out where the code for loading up this array should be.

  8. Hi

    You are the best writer for iOS i’ve seen. I bought your iOS programming cookbook. It’s amazing.

    I just have a little question.

    I’m a Web Developer and i have very good experience in web developing since 2003.. Recently i switched to mobile development. And i started from iOS.

    My question is:

    What can make me (good programmer) for iOS?

    Do i need to memorize everything in Objective-C for example? Do i need t write a lot of code?

    What if use books / internet / etc… to do solve my problems. Is it normal in programming world?

    Please advise me how can i be good programmer?

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